(Here is a list of only some of the female students in Dammaj,Yemen may Allah preserve them, ameen)
Umm ‘Abdillaah bint Muqbil bin Haadee Al-Waadi’iyyah
1. The righteous Shaykhah Umm ‘Abdillaah ‘Aa’ishah Bint Muqbil Ibn Haadi, Al-Wadi’eeyah:
She is one who loves the Sunnah and calls to Allaah upon knowledge and understanding, and is a strong researcher who hates blind following and strives on understanding the proof and acting upon it. Her students love her and she loves them with a strong love, and Allaah benefited her students by her, and made some of them callers to Allaah as well.She teaches them in “As-Sunnah” by Ibn Abee ‘Aasim, and “Qatarun-Nadaa” and she has previously taught “Al-Qawlul-Mufeed” by the esteemed Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Abdil Wahhaab Al-Wasaabee, and ” Fath Al-Majeed Sharh Kitaabit-Tawheed” and other books as well. And from what she has authored are “Naseehatee lin-Nisaa” (My Advice to the Women), which has been published (by Daar Al-Athaar). Also “ As-Saheeh Al-Musnad min As-Shamaa’il Al-Muhammadiyyah” published (by Daar Al-Athaar). And a treatise that is waiting to be printed, “Al-’Ilm wal-’Ulemaa” She is currently working on the verification and explanation of ” As-Sunnah” by Ibn Abee ‘Aasim including the fiqh of some of the matters and the benefits of others, the religious importance of traveling for knowledge, and the rulings on the ahadith, authentic and weak, without blindly following anyone from the people of this time or other than them. She is also working on “As-Saheeh Al-Musnad min As-Seerati An-Nabawiyyah” and she also has a beneficial commentary on “Bulagh Al Maraam” by Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar. All of this she does along with answering letters that are sent to her from within Yemen and outside of it, and Allaah has made it sufficient for her to continue the journey in the service of the Prophet’s Sunnah, and may Allaah protect her and her students from ignorant partisanship Ameen.
2. And she has an older sister, Umm ‘Abdillaah Al-Wadi’eeyyah. She is one who loves the good. She teaches within the limits of her capabilities what she is able with all of her responsibilities. May Allaah give us success and guide her to good. Verily He is Bountiful and Generous.
Umm Shu’ayb As-Salafiyyah Al-Waadi’iyyah
3. Umm Shu’ayb As-Salafiyyah Al-Wadi’eeyyah (and she is a wife of Shaykh Muqbil): An excellent woman who fears Allaah and who has love for the sunnah and the people of the sunnah. She has excellent character. She teaches her sisters in Qur’aan memorization with tajweed. In addition, she has studied with some of her sisters “Al-Qawlul-Mufeed” from our esteemed brother, the shaykh Muhammad Ibn Abdil Wahhaab Al-Wasaabee. She has also studied “At-Tihfat As-Sunniyah” and “Al-Mutamama ” and “as-Sifaat As-Salaah” by Shaykh Al-Albaanee. Umm Shu’ayb has authored, “As-Saheeh Al-Musnad min Fadaa’il Ahlil Baytu An-Nabawee” with clarification of what it needs from the explanation of some of the words. She is now working on ” As-Saheeh Al-Musnad min Al-Adaab An-Nabawee“, as well as reviewing books of explanation and recalling some of the benefits and elucidating some of the general expressions in the book. And may Allaah grant her good.
She continues upon good and gaining beneficial knowledge. She attends my lessons and other lectures from behind a curtain. May Allaah keep her firm and strong on the truth and benefit Islaam and the Muslims by her. And in spite of all this, she serves me and helps me with my research as well as one could possibly wish. And may Allaah grant her good.
Umm Salama As-Salafiyyah
4. Umm Salama As-Salafiyyah (and she is a wife of Shaykh Muqbil): An excellent, ascetic caller to Allaah on firm knowledge, and she has excellent character. She teaches her sisters from ” At-Tihfat As-Sunniya“, “Al-Mutamama“, “Al-Baa’ith Al-Hatheeth“, “Al-Qawlul-Mufeed“, “Al-Aqeedatul-Waasatiyyah“, “Al-Mufrad Al-’Ilm ” and “Al-Mulhah” through memorization and studying the explanations. And one of her books, “Al-Intisa lill-Muminaat“, is under publication, as well as a refutation of Az-Zandaani that she authored, which is an extremely beneficial research work. And she is now working on “al-Adaab al- Mufrad,” discussing what needs to be discussed regarding the narrators in the chains of narration. She also mentions the points of benefit from the fiqh of hadeeth, and the explanation of strange words within it and the verification of sources of the ahadith as needed. She has not ceased to continue upon the good and learning from the beneficial knowledge. She attends my classes and other lectures from behind a curtain. May Allaah make her firm upon the truth and benefit Islam and the Muslims by her. And in spite of all this, she serves me and helps me with my research as well as one could possibly wish. And may Allaah grant her good.
Umm Ibraaheem Al-Waadi’iyyah
5. Umm Ibrahim Al-Wadi’eeyah
Umm Ibraaheem bint Hassan Al-Hadhramiyyah
6. Umm Ibrahim Bint Hassan Ibn Ali Isa Al-Jaybutiyah then Al-Hadhramiyyah: A woman who calls to Allaah.
Umm Ibraaheem Al-Haashidiyyah
7. Umm Ibrahim Khadijah Al-Haashidiyya: An excellent woman. She has understanding and is diligent regarding the lessons.
Umm Usaamah Al-Mahwitiyyah
8. Umm Usamah Al-Mahwitiya: Memorizer of Allaah’s book.
Umm Usaamah Nurah bint Alee Al-Abbaasiyyah
9. Umm Usamah Nurah Ibn Ali Al-Abbaasiyah Al-Amraaniyah: An excellent woman caller; memorizes the Qur’aan. She benefits her sisters and is one who benefits.
Umm Asmaa bint Alee Jibreel
10. Umm Asma Bint Ali Jibreel: And outstanding woman, diligent -she has understanding and knowledge.
Umm Ayyoob Al-Waadi’iyyah
11. Umm Ayyoub Al-Wadi’eeyyah
12. Umm Hudhayfah Bint Al-Furjaanee Al-Libiyah: For six years she has sought knowledge in Dammaaj and she is an excellent woman. She has understanding and knowledge.
13. Umm Saalim Al- Waadi’eeyyah: She is an excellent woman and an effective lecturer.
14. Umm Salamah Hind Al-Haashidiyyah
15. Umm Sulaim Hudaa Bint ‘Ali Al-’Abbaasiyyah Al-’Amraaniyyah: An outstanding, hardworking woman, persevering on participating in the lessons.
16. Umm Sulayman Al-Shawkaaniyyah: An outstanding woman, possessing understanding and knowledge.
17. Umm Saabir Bint Al-Haamid: An outstanding woman who benefits.
18. Umm Taariq Bint ‘Ali Ibn ‘Eedroos Al-Haashimiyyah Al-Hajiyyah
19. Umm ‘Abdir Rahmaan Ibtisaam Bint ‘Imraan Ibn Hussain Ibn Saalih Al-Aswad Al-Zaawee Al-Libiyyah: An outstanding, diligent woman, she has understanding and is hardworking on her lessons.
20. Umm ‘Abdir Rahmaan Bint Naasir Ibn Karoo Al- ‘Adaniyyah: She has memorized twenty juz of Qur’aan.
21. Umm ‘Abdillaah Al-Bi’daaniyyah Bint ‘Abdillaah Ibn ‘Ali Ibn Hameed Al-Khayaat: She teaches our sisters in grammar, the grading of ahaadeeth, and tawheed and is a lecturer. She is close to finishing memorization of the Qur’aan.
22. Umm ‘Abdillaah Bint Saalim Al-Wasaabiyyah: Memorizer of Allaah’s Book
23. Umm ‘Abdillaah Bint ‘Abdillaah Al-Wasaabiyyah: Memorizer of Allaah’s Book
24. Umm ‘Abdillaah Bint ‘Abdillaah Ibn Ahmad Al-Salawiyyah: Memorizer of the Qur’aan
25. Umm ‘Ammaar Al- Maaramiyyah Al-’Adaniyyah: An excellent woman caller and memorizer of the Qur’aan and she has a work currently being published, “Bulugh Al-Hujja fi Sitr Wahida.“
26. Umm ‘Amr Al- Waadi’eeyyah: An excellent woman, she memorizes Qur’aan and she is now working on a verification on Ash-Shawkani’s treatise on the prohibited pictures
27. Umm Al-Fidaa Al-’Adaniyyah: An outstanding, hardworking woman
28. Umm Al- Fadal Bint Hussain Thaamir
29. Umm Maazan Bint ‘Abdillaah Ahmad ‘Abdaan: An outstanding female caller
30. Umm Mas’oub Bint Balqaasim Ibn Muhammad Al-Surmaani Al-Libiyyah: An excellent, hardworking woman
31. Umm Mus’ab Bint Muhammad Ibn Thaab it Ibn ‘Aqlaan Al- Hakimi Al-’Adaniyyah: An excellent, beneficial woman
32. Umm Mas’ab Mariam Al-’Adaniyyah: An outstanding woman who loves the sunnah, loves beneficial knowledge, and calls to Allaah upon knowledge and understanding. May Allaah strengthen us and unite us upon the truth, Ameen
33. Umm Mu’aadh Al-Warashafaaniyya Al-Libiyyah: She is memorizing ” Al-Aqeedatu Al-Wasatiyyah“
34. Umm Musa Bint ‘Umar Al-Hushabiyyah:-and she has understanding and is memorizing the Noble Qur’aan
35. Shaheedah Umm ‘Abdillaah Fawrad Al-Britanniyya Al-Muhaajirah: And she is a woman aspiring to spend her time diligently in obtaining the knowledge, spending a great deal of her time in the masjid, reviewing and benefiting.
وفق الله الجميع لما يحب ويرضى .
هذا وصلى الله على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين.
Umm Mujaahid Khadeejah Bint Lacina
Rabi’ath-Thaani 4, 1424 Sana’a, Yemen
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
The humility of our Sheikh Muqbil ibn Haadi
The Humility of our Shaikh Muqbil Ibn Hadi Al Wadi’ee (Didn’t write the whole thing)
فهو لا يفخر على أحد ولا يغتر بنفسه ولا يتكبر على أحد ومن خالطه عرف ذلك منه .
He was never one to look down at others or be amazed of himself or have pride over others and whoever mixed with him knew this
وهو يقول : أنا مقصر ، ويقول : لست راضيا عن نفسي
He said of himself: I am deficient, and he said: I am not pleased with myself.
وأخبرنا رحمه الله أنه عند بدأ الشيب يظهر في لحيته تالم وقال لنفسه : ماذا قد قدمت للإسلام والمسلمين .
And when gray started to appear on his beard he started to become said and said to himself: What have you done for Islam and the Muslims?
ويقول في الدعوة حين ظهرت وعلت وانتشرت : هذا شيء أراده الله فليس بقوتنا ولا بفصاحتنا ولا بكثرة علمنا ولا بكثرة مالنا .
And he said about the (Salafi) Da’wah when it became apparant, powerful and spread: This is something that Allah wanted and it was not by our strength or our eloquence or our knowledge or our money (in reality they were poor).
ويقول : في حالة المختلطين من الرواة والمحدثين عبرة ، بالأمس في زمرة العلماء ، واليوم في زمرة المجانين ، فيجب ألا يفتخر بالذكاء ولا بالحفظ .
He also said: About the condition of those who mixed with the narrators of Hadeeth is a meesage: Yesterday they were amongst scholars, now they are among crazy people, therefore it is upon everyone to not be amazed of himself because of his intelligence of ability to memorize
ويقول : الكبر من أعظم الصوارف عن الخير قال تعالى : (( سأصرف عن ءاياتي الذين يتكبرون في الأرض بغير الحق )) ، والمتكبر مبغوض لدى الناس ولو كال لهم الذهب بالزنبيل كيلا .
He also said: Pride is one of the biggest things that turns one away from good. Allah said: “I will turn those who have pride upon the earth from my verses”. And one who has pride is hated by the people even if he has gold that weights a lot.
وقال غير مرة لطلابه : أنا أعتبركم الآن زملائي
And he said a few times to his students: I see you now as my friends.
ولهذا كله فهو من سمته وخلقه ، أنه يقبل الحق حيث كان وممن كان ، ذكرا أو أنثى ، صغيرا أو كبيرا .
ويفرح بذلك ويدعو لمن نبهه على ذلك ، وينبه على ذلك في الملأ
And for all these reasons from his character and manners, was that he would accept the truth from anyone whoever it may have been, male or female, whether young or old. And he used to become happy for that reason and make du’a for the one who made him pay attention (to his error). And he made his errors clear in front of crowds.
Note: As a result we see the fruits of his da’wah in Yemen where it is powerful. His students include Shaikh Yahya Al Haajuri who has memorized the six books of Hadeeth. Shaikh Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab Al Wassabi, Shaikh Muhammad Al Imam, Shaikh Yahya Ibn Abdul ‘Azeez Al Bura’ee. And amongst them who were on our island i.e Shaikh Zayed Al Wassabi who has memorized books such as Buluugh Ul Maraam and Shaikh Abu Amr Al Haajuri who has memorized Saheeh Bukhari and Muslim. May Allah ta’ala keep Dammaj as one of the lighthouses of the Sunnah.
(taken from musamills.wordpress.com)
فهو لا يفخر على أحد ولا يغتر بنفسه ولا يتكبر على أحد ومن خالطه عرف ذلك منه .
He was never one to look down at others or be amazed of himself or have pride over others and whoever mixed with him knew this
وهو يقول : أنا مقصر ، ويقول : لست راضيا عن نفسي
He said of himself: I am deficient, and he said: I am not pleased with myself.
وأخبرنا رحمه الله أنه عند بدأ الشيب يظهر في لحيته تالم وقال لنفسه : ماذا قد قدمت للإسلام والمسلمين .
And when gray started to appear on his beard he started to become said and said to himself: What have you done for Islam and the Muslims?
ويقول في الدعوة حين ظهرت وعلت وانتشرت : هذا شيء أراده الله فليس بقوتنا ولا بفصاحتنا ولا بكثرة علمنا ولا بكثرة مالنا .
And he said about the (Salafi) Da’wah when it became apparant, powerful and spread: This is something that Allah wanted and it was not by our strength or our eloquence or our knowledge or our money (in reality they were poor).
ويقول : في حالة المختلطين من الرواة والمحدثين عبرة ، بالأمس في زمرة العلماء ، واليوم في زمرة المجانين ، فيجب ألا يفتخر بالذكاء ولا بالحفظ .
He also said: About the condition of those who mixed with the narrators of Hadeeth is a meesage: Yesterday they were amongst scholars, now they are among crazy people, therefore it is upon everyone to not be amazed of himself because of his intelligence of ability to memorize
ويقول : الكبر من أعظم الصوارف عن الخير قال تعالى : (( سأصرف عن ءاياتي الذين يتكبرون في الأرض بغير الحق )) ، والمتكبر مبغوض لدى الناس ولو كال لهم الذهب بالزنبيل كيلا .
He also said: Pride is one of the biggest things that turns one away from good. Allah said: “I will turn those who have pride upon the earth from my verses”. And one who has pride is hated by the people even if he has gold that weights a lot.
وقال غير مرة لطلابه : أنا أعتبركم الآن زملائي
And he said a few times to his students: I see you now as my friends.
ولهذا كله فهو من سمته وخلقه ، أنه يقبل الحق حيث كان وممن كان ، ذكرا أو أنثى ، صغيرا أو كبيرا .
ويفرح بذلك ويدعو لمن نبهه على ذلك ، وينبه على ذلك في الملأ
And for all these reasons from his character and manners, was that he would accept the truth from anyone whoever it may have been, male or female, whether young or old. And he used to become happy for that reason and make du’a for the one who made him pay attention (to his error). And he made his errors clear in front of crowds.
Note: As a result we see the fruits of his da’wah in Yemen where it is powerful. His students include Shaikh Yahya Al Haajuri who has memorized the six books of Hadeeth. Shaikh Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab Al Wassabi, Shaikh Muhammad Al Imam, Shaikh Yahya Ibn Abdul ‘Azeez Al Bura’ee. And amongst them who were on our island i.e Shaikh Zayed Al Wassabi who has memorized books such as Buluugh Ul Maraam and Shaikh Abu Amr Al Haajuri who has memorized Saheeh Bukhari and Muslim. May Allah ta’ala keep Dammaj as one of the lighthouses of the Sunnah.
(taken from musamills.wordpress.com)
Monday, March 3, 2008
No turning back
MashAllah TabarakAllah, everything is squared away concerning our trip. We just have a few loose ends to tie up but, all the major things are completed. Surprisingly it seems so unreal. I can't believe that the time has come so fast. The more I think about it the more surreal it becomes. I try not to think of the tears that will be shed when we depart from our family. Just mentioning it chokes me up. I'm a very emotional person especially when it comes to family. Leaving behind my mom and 3younger sisters will probably be the hardest thing I've done in my life. Just knowing that I won't be able to visit them when I want or pick up the phone to see how they're doing as often as I like is a hard pill to swallow. I hate to seem ungrateful for the ni'mah Allah has bestowed upon us by all means I'm not, it's just hard to envision leaving behind people that I love and cherish so much. But it can and will be done. InshAllah
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